

This information is part of the Business Simulation Library (BSL). Please support this work and ► donate.

Interactions model two stocks with a bidirectional flow at each stock and their interdependencies. Such components already allow to represent more complicated structures like the Lotka-Volterra model of predator-prey-dynamics [17]; there is thus a thin boundary between the classes contained in this package and more complex Actuator subsystems contained in the Molecules of Structure package. 

See also


Copyright © 2020 Guido Wolf Reichert
Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later


BrokenTransitionThe inflow to B is proportional to the outflow from A
BrokenTransitionPullThe outflow from A is proportional to the inflow to B
ComplexInteractionCombined linear and nonlinear interaction
LinearInteractionLinear model of interaction between two stocks
LotkaVolterraThe Lotka-Volterra equations to model predator-prey-dynamics
NonlinearInteractionOutflows depend upon the product of the stocks and a factor

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