Name | Description |
Controller | |
Building | |
Interfaces | |
Base | |
pipeideal | Ideal pipe, without heat loss |
pipesimple | |
pipereal | pipe with heat loss, can be used as heat exchanger. |
Two2One | |
Three2One | |
Five2One | |
PressureSet | Set Pressure to a fix value |
TemperatureSet | |
PresTempSet | Set a fix temperature and pressure |
PressVolume | |
Pressure_Sensor | |
Valve | |
DisPump_Ideal | parameter SIunits.VolumeFlowRate qbias=0.0 "Bias of flow";qbias + |
DisPump | |
FourWays | Fourways |
radpipe | |
radpipe_simple | |
Boiler | |
ValveDriver | |
Temperature_Sensor2 | |
Electric_Heater | |
HeatingFloor | |
ZPUFHeating1 | |
PIUFHeating1 | |
PIdisUFHeating1 | |
ZPUFHeating2 | |
PIUFHeating2 | |
ZPRadHeating | |
PIRadHeating | |
PIdisRadHeating | |
PIRadHeating2 | |
UnheatedCellar |