This package contains models of window ventilation with various types of sash openings from literature.
Currently, the models are only applicable for single-sided ventilation.
This package considers the following types of window openings:
These opening types are included in WindowOpeningTypes.
For hinged and pivot openings, there are five different types to define the opening area:
Abv: Above
Amb: Ambient
Ang: Angle
ASL: Above see level
Avg: Average
Axs: Axis
Clr: Clear
Cof: Coefficient
Cor: Correlation; Correction
Dcg: Discharge
Dif: Difference
Eff: Effective
Eqv: Equivalent
Ext: External
Frm: Frame
Geo: Geometric
Inc: Incidence
Int: Interim; Internal
Lim: Limit
Loc: Local
NPL: Neutral pressure level
Opn: Open; Opening
Ovl: Overlap
Prj: Projective
Ref: Reference
Rev: Reveal
Ruf: Rough; Roughness
Sas: Sash
Name | Description |
Empirical expressions for calculation of the airflow | |
Calculation of different opening areas based on different window types | |