

This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.


 CheckBlackBodySkyTemperatureTest model for CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature
 CheckCeilingHeightTest model for ceiling height check
 CheckPressureTest model for pressure check
 CheckRadiationTest model for CheckRadiation
 CheckRelativeHumidityTest model for CheckRelativeHumidity
 CheckSkyCoverTest model for checking sky cover
 CheckTemperatureTest model for CheckTemperature
 CheckWindDirectionTest model for wind direction check
 CheckWindSpeedTest model for wind speed check
 ConvertRadiationTest model for ConvertRadiation
 ConvertRelativeHumidityTest model for converting relative humidity and checking its validity
 ConvertTimeTest model for converting time
 ConvertTimeNegativeStartValidation of time conversion for negative start time
 ConvertTimePositiveStartValidation of time conversion for positive start time
 EquationOfTimeTest model for equation of time
 GetAbsolutePathTest model to get the absolute path of a URI
 GetAltitudeTMY3Test model to get Altitude of TMY3
 GetHeaderElementTest model to get header element
 GetTimeSpanTMY3Test model to get the time span of a weather file
 GetTimeSpanTMY3LongHeaderTest model to get the time span of a weather file with a long header line
 GetTimeSpanTMY3_NonzeroStartTest model to get time span of a weather file, start time is non zero
 LimitMinTest model for ceiling height check
 LocalCivilTimeTest model for calculate local civil time
 SolarTimeTest model for solar time

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