Data base record for CHP power units. The nominal / rated operation point most likely corresponds to the given full load performance.
These quantities must be known for reliable simulation (by value, variable relation etc.):
- Heat and Power: Q_MaxHea, etaCHP(Hi)
- Engine Geometry: hStr, dCyl, z, i
- Generator specification: p or n0, n_nominal, U_1, P_elNominal, f_1
- Lambda or xO2Exh: Required for calculation of the engine combustion, heat flow and the exhaust gas composition (Lambda = 0.21 / (0.21 - xO2Exh))
- nEngNominal
- dInn (typical values around 0.005m, important for heat transfer from engine to cooling)
These are the default values or relations in case that there is no information available:
- nEngMax: Engine speed at full load (=nEngNominal)
- etaGen: Generator efficiency (default=0.92)
- I_elNominal (=P_elNominal/(sqrt(3)*U_1*cosPhi))
- P_mecNominal (=P_elNominal/etaGen)
- P_FueNominal (=(P_elNominal+Q_MaxHea)/etaCHP)
- VEng (default=0.25*hStr*Modelica.Constants.pi*dCyl^2*z)
- mEng (default=70389*VEng+17.913, for first appraisal of the heat capacities of engine housing, should be calibrated)
- eps (typical values around 12 (SI) and 21 (DI))
- T_ExhPowOut (default=373.15K)
- gearRatio (default=1)
- cosPhi (default=0.8)
- useGenHeat (default=false)
- Exhaust and Coolant: dExh(default=0.06m), dCoo(default=0.04m), dp_Coo(default=0.15bar), m_flowCooNominal(default=0.00003*Q_MaxHea-0.2043)
- Engine material: lambda, rhoEngWall, c (default is cast iron(most common))
Name | Description |