This package provides records describing properties of different refrigerant media. In this case, properties are, for example, fitting coefficients obtained for the Helmholtz equation of state or the saturation pressure. These fitting coefficients are used for models stored in AixLib.Media.Refrigerants.
For reasons of simplicity, this package is structured as follows:
Currently, there is implemented just one approach (i.e. the hybrid approach) to model refrigerant media (for detailed information, please see AixLib.Media.Refrigerants.Interfaces.TemplateHybridTwoPhaseMediumRecord). Hence, the base data definitions support just the hybrid approach.
Name | Description |
Base data definition for fitting coefficients of thermodynamic state properties at bubble and dew line | |
Base data definition for fitting coefficients of the Helmholtz EoS | |
Base data definition for fitting coefficients of thermodynamic state properties | |
Package provides records for R134a | |
Package provides records for R290 | |
Package provides records for R410a |