This is a simplified equivalent transformer model. The model accounts for winding Joule losses and leakage reactances that are represented by a series of a resistance R and an inductance L. The resistance and the inductance represent both the effects of the secondary and primary side of the transformer.
The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,Vlow
- RMS voltage at secondary side,VAbase
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,XoverR
- ratio between reactance and resistance, andZperc
- the short circuit impedance.Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the resistance and inductance.
The image below describes the connection of the windings.
This model reuses models from AixLib.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer.
See AixLib.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterYY for details on the connections.