This connector represents a generalized electric terminal. The generalization is made possible by the
replaceable package
The package PhaseSystem
can be one of the packages contained in
Using this approach allows to represent DC, single phase AC and
multi phases balanced and unbalanced AC systems with the same connector.
This connector is compatible with the following Modelica libraries:
The connector is overdetermined since the number of effort variables
is higher than the number of flow variables.
This happens when the phase system has a number of reference angles
PhaseSystem.m > 0
The over-determined connectors are defined and used in such a way
that a Modelica tool is able
to remove the superfluous but consistent equations arriving
at a balanced set of equations, based on a
graph analysis of the connection structure.
The models have to use ad-hoc constructs specified by the Modelica language to handle this situation.
More information can be found in Olsson Et Al. (2008).
More details about the generalized electrical terminal can be found in Franke and Wiesmann (2014).
Hans Olsson, Martin Otter, Sven Erik Mattson and Hilding Elmqvist.
Balanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality.
Proc. of the 7th Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2008.
Ruediger Franke and Hansjurg Wiesmann.
Flexible modeling of electrical power systems - the Modelica PowerSystems library.
Proc. of the 10th Modelica Conference, Lund, Sweden, March 2014.
Name | Description |
Phase system |