

To increase the model detail we now add an air model assuming the zone is 8m x 8m x 3m in size. The air will exchange heat with the wall. This may be modelled using a thermal resistance representing the convective heat resistance which is equal to Rconv=1/(h*A), where A is the heat exchange surface area and h=2 W/(m2*K) is the convective heat transfer coefficient.

Required models

Connection instructions

The MixingVolume Medium parameter contains information about the type of fluid and its properties that should be modelled by the MixingVolume. Set its value to MediumAir, which is declared in the template, by typing redeclare package Medium = MediumAir. For the nominal mass flow rate you may assume a value of 1 kg/s for now. You will have to change this value once you add a ventilation system to the model (see AixLib.Examples.Tutorial.SimpleHouse.SimpleHouse6). Finally, set the energyDynamics of the MixingVolume, which can be found in the Dynamics tab of the model parameter window, to FixedInitial.

Make a connection with the PrescribedHeatFlow as well. This block makes the connection between the heat flow from the gain, represented as a real value, and a heat port that is compatible with the connectors of the thermal capacitance and resistance.

Reference result

The result with and without the air model is plotted in the figure below.

Wall temperature as function of time, with (green) and without (blue) air model.


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