

This function computes the number of transfer units for a given heat exchanger effectiveness, capacity flow ratio and heat exchanger flow regime. The different options for the flow regime are declared in AixLib.Fluid.Types.HeatExchangerFlowRegime.

Note that for the flow regime CrossFlowUnmixed, computing the function requires the numerical solution of an equation in one variable. This is handled internally and not exposed to the global solver.


function ntu_epsilonZ
  import f = AixLib.Fluid.Types.HeatExchangerFlowRegime;
  input Real eps(min = 0, max = 0.999) "Heat exchanger effectiveness";
  input Real Z(min = 0, max = 1) "Ratio of capacity flow rate (CMin/CMax)";
  input Integer flowRegime "Heat exchanger flow regime";
  output Real NTU "Number of transfer units";
end ntu_epsilonZ;


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