This model contains a calculation procedure for engine efficiency models (for more information, please check out AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Compressors.BaseClasses.PartialCompression). The calculation procedures based on a polynomial approach are presented below.
Actually, four polynomial approaches are implemented in this package.
To add further calculation procedures, just add its name in AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Compressors.Utilities.Types
and expand the if-structure
Reference | Formula | Refrigerants |
Validity ncompressor
Validity Πpressure
JahningEtAl2000 |
ηeng = a1 +
Generic model |
Generic model
Generic model
DurprezEtAl2007 |
ηeng = a1 + a2*π + a3*π^2 + a4*π^3 + a5*π^4
+ a6*π^5 + a7*π^6
Generic model |
Generic model
Generic model
KinarbEtAl2010 |
ηeng = a1 + a2*π + a3*π^2
Generic model |
Generic model
Generic model
Engelpracht2017 |
ηeng = a1 + a2*π + a3*π^2 + a4*n*π + a5*n^2
+ a6*π^2*n + a7*π*n^2 + a8*n^3 + a9*π^2n^2 + a10*π*π^3 +
Generic model |
0 - 120
1 - 10
I.D. Jähnig, D. Reindl and S.A. Klein, S. A. (2000): Semi-empirical method for representing domestic refrigerator/freezer compressor calorimeter test data.
M.-E Duprez, E. Dumont and M. Frère (2007): Modelling of reciprocating and scroll compressors. In: International Journal of Refrigeration 30(5), S. 873–886
E. Kinab, D. Marchio, P. Rivière and A. Zoughaib (2010): Reversible heat pump model for seasonal performance optimization. In: Energy and Buildings 42(12), S. 2269–2280
M. Engelpracht (2017): Development of modular and scalable simulation models for heat pumps and chillers considering various refrigerants. Master Thesis