This is a validation model to test various efficiency models presented in AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Compressors.Utilities.EngineEfficiency, AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Compressors.Utilities.IsentropicEfficiency and AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Compressors.Utilities.VolumetricEfficiency. Therefore, both the compressor's inlet and outlet conditions are prescribed in terms of pressure and temperature; additionally, the ambient temperature as well as the rotational speed of the compressor are prescribed. These four variables are varied in the following range:
The pressures at inlet and outlet of the compressor depend on the temperatures at inlet and outlet of the compressor. Thus, it is possible to check if the efficiency models provide efficiencies that are physically correct (i.e. to check if the efficiencies are smaller than unity).
Name | Description |
Actual medium of the compressor |