This function is used in the Zugabe.Fluid.Movers.Pump model. It depends on the correct order of the coefficients in c and the respective assignment of y and z. For the computation of n = f(Q,H), for example z must be assigned H and y = Q in m3/h. The result will be the pump speed in revolutions/min.
Be aware that the function will not check if the result is a positive number. Negative results have no sensible physical meaning in this case. There are two solutions of quadratic polynomial that can be calculated with the so-called p-q-formula. The function will take the larger value of the two soutions as a result.
function polynomialABCinverse extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real[3] c "coefficient vector"; input Real y "variable 2"; input Real z "variable 3"; output Real x "result"; end polynomialABCinverse;