This package contains models for fans and pumps (movers). The same models can be used for fans or pumps.
The models consider the pressure rise, flow rate, speed, power consumption, and heat dissipation based on the user's specification. They can take pressure rise (head), mass flow rate, or speed (absolute or relative) as control signal, and compute resulting quantities based on user-provided performance curves.
While the models in the package AixLib.Fluid.Movers allow full customization, preconfigured models that use the same underlying physical equations are available in the package AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Preconfigured. The models in AixLib.Fluid.Movers can also be parameterized with the data records from AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Data.
A detailed description of the fan and pump models can be found in Wetter (2013). The models are implemented as described in this paper, except that equation (20) is no longer used. The reason is that the transition (24) caused the derivative
d Δp(r(t), V(t)) ⁄ d r(t)
to have an inflection point in the regularization region r(t) ∈ (δ/2, δ). This caused some models to not converge. To correct this, for r(t) < δ, the term V(t) ⁄ r(t) in (16) has been modified so that (16) can be used for any value of r(t).
Below, the models are briefly described.
The models use performance curves that compute pressure rise, electrical power draw and efficiency as a function of the volume flow rate and the speed. The following performance curves are implemented:
Independent variable | Dependent variable | Record for performance data | Function |
Volume flow rate | Pressure | flowParameters | pressure |
Volume flow rate | Efficiency (hydraulic or motor) |
efficiencyParameters | efficiency |
Motor part load ratio | Motor efficiency* | efficiencyParameters_yMot | efficiency_yMot |
Volume flow rate | Power** | powerParameters | power |
Notes (applicable to AixLib.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_dp and AixLib.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_m_flow):
These performance curves are implemented in AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Characteristics, and are used in the performance records in the package AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Data. The package AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Data contains different data records.
The model AixLib.Fluid.Movers.SpeedControlled_y takes as an input a control signal between 0 and 1. From this input and the current flow rate, they compute the pressure rise. This pressure rise is computed using a user-provided list of operating points that defines the fan or pump curve at full speed. For other speeds, similarity laws are used to scale the performance curves, as described in AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Characteristics.pressure.
For example, suppose a pump needs to be modeled whose pressure versus flow relation crosses, at full speed, the points shown in the table below.
Volume flow rate [m3⁄s] | Head [Pa] |
0.0003 | 45000 |
0.0006 | 35000 |
0.0008 | 15000 |
Then, a declaration would be
AixLib.Fluid.Movers.SpeedControlled_y pum( redeclare package Medium = Medium, per.pressure(V_flow={0.0003,0.0006,0.0008}, dp ={45,35,15}*1000)) "Circulation pump";
This will model the following pump curve for the pump input signal y=1
See AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Validation.PressureCurve for a small example that validates the pressure curve specification.
The models AixLib.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_dp and AixLib.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_m_flow take as an input the pressure difference or the mass flow rate. This pressure difference or mass flow rate will be provided by the fan or pump, i.e., the fan or pump has idealized perfect control and infinite capacity. Using these models that take as an input the head or the mass flow rate often leads to smaller system of equations compared to using the models that take as an input the speed. The validation model AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Validation.ComparePowerInput demonstrates that the models with different input signals produce the same power consumption estimates.
These models can be configured for three different control inputs. For AixLib.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_dp, the head is as follows:
If the parameter inputType==AixLib.Fluid.Types.InputType.Continuous
the head is dp=dp_in
, where dp_in
is an input connector.
If the parameter inputType==AixLib.Fluid.Types.InputType.Constant
the head is dp=constantHead
, where constantHead
is a parameter.
If the parameter inputType==AixLib.Fluid.Types.InputType.Stages
the head is dp=heads
, where heads
is a
vectorized parameter. For example, if a mover has
two stages and the head of the first stage should be 60% of the nominal head
and the second stage equal to dp_nominal
, set
heads={0.6, 1}*dp_nominal
Then, the mover will have the following heads:
input signal stage |
Head [Pa] |
0 | 0 |
1 | 0.6*dp_nominal |
2 | dp_nominal |
Similarly, for AixLib.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_m_flow, the mass flow rate is as follows:
If the parameter inputType==AixLib.Fluid.Types.InputType.Continuous
the mass flow rate is m_flow=m_flow_in
, where m_flow_in
is an input connector.
If the parameter inputType==AixLib.Fluid.Types.InputType.Constant
the mass flow rate is m_flow=constantMassFlowRate
, where constantMassFlowRate
is a parameter.
If the parameter inputType==AixLib.Fluid.Types.InputType.Stages
the mass flow rate is m_flow=massFlowRates
, where massFlowRates
is a
vectorized parameter. For example, if a mover has
two stages and the mass flow rate of the first stage should be 60% of the nominal mass flow rate
and the second stage equal to m_flow_nominal
, set
massFlowRates={0.6, 1}*m_flow_nominal
Then, the mover will have the following mass flow rates:
input signal stage |
Mass flow rates [kg/s] |
0 | 0 |
1 | 0.6*m_flow_nominal |
2 | m_flow_nominal |
These two models do not need to use a performance curve for the flow characteristics. The reason is that
However, the computation of the electrical power consumption requires the mover speed to be known and the computation of the mover speed requires the performance curves for the flow and efficiency/power characteristics. Therefore these performance curves do need to be provided if the user desires a correct electrical power computation. If the curves are not provided, a simplified computation is used, where the efficiency curve is used and assumed to be correct for all speeds. This loss of accuracy has the advantage that it allows to use the mover models without requiring flow and efficiency/power characteristics.
The model
has an option to control the mover such
that the pressure difference set point is obtained
across two remote points in the system.
To use this functionality
parameter prescribeSystemPressure
to be enabled and a differential pressure measurement
must be connected to
the pump input dpMea
This functionality is demonstrated in
The models
AixLib.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_dp and
both have a parameter m_flow_nominal
. For
AixLib.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_m_flow, this parameter
is used for convenience to set a default value for the parameters
For both models, the value is also used for the following:
The default pressure curve is the line that intersects
(dp, V_flow) = (dp_nominal, 0)
(dp, V_flow) = (m_flow_nominal/rho_default, 0)
However, otherwise m_flow_nominal
does not affect the mass flow rate of the mover as
the mass flow rate is determined by the input signal or the above explained parameters.
All models compute the motor power draw Pele, the hydraulic power input Ẇhyd, the flow work Ẇflo and the heat dissipated into the medium Q̇. Based on the first law, the flow work is
Ẇflo = | V̇ Δp |,
where V̇ is the volume flow rate and Δp is the pressure rise. In order to prevent the model from producing negative mover power when either the flow rate or pressure rise is forced to be negative, the flow work Ẇflo is constrained to be non-negative. The regularisation starts around 0.01% of the characteristic maximum power Ẇmax = V̇max Δpmax. See discussions and an example of this situation in IBPSA, #1621.
The heat dissipated into the medium is as follows:
If the motor is cooled by the fluid, as indicated by
, then the heat dissipated into the medium is
Q̇ = Pele - Ẇflo.
If per.motorCooledByFluid=false
, then the motor is outside the fluid stream,
and only the shaft, or hydraulic, work Ẇhyd enters the thermodynamic
control volume. Hence,
Q̇ = Ẇhyd - Ẇflo.
The efficiencies are defined as
η = Ẇflo ⁄ Pele = ηhyd ηmot
ηhyd = Ẇflo ⁄ Ẇhyd
ηmot = Ẇhyd ⁄ Pele
where η is the total efficiency, ηhyd is the hydraulic efficiency, and ηmot is the motor efficiency. From the definition one has
η = ηhyd ηmot.
The following options are used to specify how ηhyd is computed.
The user provides an array of ηhyd vs. V̇.
If the array has only one element, ηhyd is considered
constant. If the array has more than one element, the efficiency is interpolated
or extrapolated using
The user provides an array of Ẇhyd vs. V̇.
The power is interpolated or extrapolated using
ηhyd is then computed from Ẇhyd.
(default 1) -
The model uses a triple (ηhyd, V̇, Δp)
corresponding to the operating point at which the peak efficiency is attained.
It computes ηhyd and Ẇhyd
using the package
The model finds ηhyd by evaluating the following correlation:
Eu=(pressure forces)/(inertial forces)
from which one can derive the ratio of Euler numbers asEu ⁄ Eup =(Δp ⁄ V̇2) ⁄ (Δpp ⁄ V̇p2).
The peak point can be provided directly by the user or computed by calling the function AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Euler.getPeak. This function finds the peak point when both pressure and power curves are provided. When only the pressure curve is available, the function estimates the peak point to be at V̇=V̇max ⁄ 2. Examples:
For simplicity, the implementation does not directly use this method to estimate ηhyd at any operation point. Rather, it only computes a power curve at nominal speed and then uses similarity laws to estimate power at reduced speeds. Because the Euler number method does not account for the efficiency degradation along any curve Δp=kV̇2, these two methods are equivalent. See the documentation of AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Euler.power for more details. Also see AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Validation.EulerReducedSpeed for demonstration.
For more information on the Euler number method, see the documentation of AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Euler.correlation, EnergyPlus 9.6.0 Engineering Reference chapter 16.4 equations 16.209 through 16.218, and Fu et al. (2022)
(default 2) - The information of this efficiency item is not provided.
The model uses a constant value ηhyd=0.7.
These options are validated in AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Validation.HydraulicEfficiencyMethods and AixLib.Fluid.Movers.Validation.ComparePowerHydraulic.
The model uses EulerNumber
as the default option
unless a pressure curve is not provided.
In this case, the model overrides it and uses NotProvided
The user can use the same options to specify the total efficiency η
instead by setting per.powerOrEfficiencyIsHydraulic=false
This changes the default constant value to η=0.49 and also imposes
an additional constraint of ηhyd ≤ 1 to prevent the division
ηhyd = η ⁄ ηmot
from producing efficiency values larger than one.
This configuration is validated in
AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Validation.TotalEfficiencyMethods and
Although the Euler number method is defined for ηhyd, this implementation applies it also to η and Pele as an approximation. The basis is that ηmot is mostly constant for motors larger than about 3.5 kW or 5 HP except when the motor part load drops below around 40%, (see the documentation of AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Characteristics.motorEfficiencyCurve) which shows that η and ηhyd are roughly linear to each other for motors of this size.
The following options are used to specify how ηmot is computed.
- This is same as the option for
ηhyd with the same name.
The user provides an array of ηmot vs. motor part load ratio
ymot=Whyd ⁄ Pmot,nominal.
The efficiency is interpolated or extrapolated using
as an example.
(default 1) -
The user provides the rated motor power Pmot,nominal
and maximum motor efficiency ηmot,max.
The model then uses a generic motor efficiency curve as a function of motor PLR
generated using
The ηmot,max is assumed to be 0.7 if not specified by user.
If Pmot,nominal is unspecified, the model estimates it
in the following ways:
Pmot,nominal= Ẇmax,
where Ẇmax is the maximum value on the provided power curve.Pmot,nominal= 1.2 Ẇmax,
where the factor 1.2 accounts for a 20% oversize of the motor.Pmot,nominal= 1.2 (V̇max ⁄ 2) (Δpmax ⁄ 2) ⁄ ηhyd,p,
where the factor 1.2 also assumes a 20% oversize and the assumed peak hydraulic efficiency ηhyd,p=0.7.Efficiency_MotorPartLoadRatio
(default 2) -
The information of this efficiency item is not provided.
The model uses a constant value ηmot=0.7.
These options are tested in AixLib.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Validation.MotorEfficiencyMethods.
By default, the model uses the GenericCurve
to obtain more accurate
results with variable ηmot. There are two exceptions:
the model uses NotProvided
as default.
The user can still mannually set it to GenericCurve
, but this is
not recommended. There are two reasons:
ηmot = f(Ẇhyd),
Pele = Ẇhyd ⁄ ηmot,
the unknowns are ηmot and Pele
which can be solved explicitly. Otherwise, the unknowns are
ηmot and Ẇhyd,
and an iterative solution would be required which may not converge
for some values.
All models have a parameter use_inputFilter
. This
parameter affects the fan output as follows:
, then the input signal y
(or m_flow_in
, or dp_in
is equal to the fan speed (or the mass flow rate or pressure rise).
Thus, a step change in the input signal causes a step change in the fan speed (or mass flow rate or pressure rise).
, which is the default,
then the fan speed (or the mass flow rate or the pressure rise)
is equal to the output of a filter. This filter is implemented
as a 2nd order differential equation and can be thought of as
approximating the inertia of the rotor and the fluid.
Thus, a step change in the fan input signal will cause a gradual change
in the fan speed.
The filter has a parameter riseTime
, which by default is set to
30 seconds.
The rise time is the time required to reach 99.6% of the full speed, or,
if the fan is switched off, to reach a fan speed of 0.4%.
The figure below shows for a fan with use_inputFilter=true
and riseTime=30
seconds the
speed input signal and the actual speed.
Although many simulations do not require such a detailed model
that approximates the transients of fans or pumps, it turns
out that using this filter can reduce computing time and
can lead to fewer convergence problems in large system models.
With a filter, any sudden change in control signal, such as when
a fan switches on, is damped before it affects the air flow rate.
This continuous change in flow rate turns out to be easier, and in
some cases faster, to simulate compared to a step change.
For most simulations, we therefore recommend to use the default settings
of use_inputFilter=true
and riseTime=30
An exception are situations in which the fan or pump is operated at a fixed speed during
the whole simulation. In this case, set use_inputFilter=false
Note that if the fan is part of a closed loop control, then the filter affects
the transient response of the control.
When changing the value of use_inputFilter
, the control gains
may need to be retuned.
We now present values control parameters that seem to work in most cases.
Suppose there is a closed loop control with a PI-controller
and a fan or pump, configured with use_inputFilter=true
and riseTime=30
Assume that the transient response of the other dynamic elements in the control loop is fast
compared to the rise time of the filter.
Then, a proportional gain of k=0.5
and an integrator time constant of
seconds often yields satisfactory closed loop control performance.
These values may need to be changed for different applications as they are also a function
of the loop gain.
If the control loop shows oscillatory behavior, then reduce k
and/or increase Ti
If the control loop reacts too slow, do the opposite.
All models can be configured to have a fluid volume at the low-pressure side. Adding such a volume sometimes helps the solver to find a solution during initialization and time integration of large models.
If per.motorCooledByFluid=true
, then
the enthalpy change between the inlet and outlet fluid port is equal
to the electrical power Pele that is consumed by the component.
Otherwise, it is equal to the hydraulic work Whyd.
The parameter addPowerToMedium
, which is by default set to
, can be used to simplify the equations.
If addPowerToMedium = false
, then no enthalpy change occurs between
inlet and outlet.
This can lead to simpler equations, but the temperature rise across the component
will be zero. In particular for fans, this simplification may not be permissible.
The models in this package differ from Modelica.Fluid.Machines primarily in the following points:
restrict the number of revolutions, and hence the flow
rate, to be non-zero.
. Therefore, for fans,
head would be converted to pressure using the density of air. However, for pumps,
manufacturers typically publish the head in millimeters water (mmH2O).
Therefore, to avoid confusion when using these models with media other than water,
we changed the models to use total pressure in Pascals instead of head in meters.
Michael Wetter. Fan and pump model that has a unique solution for any pressure boundary condition and control signal. Proc. of the 13th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, p. 3505-3512. Chambery, France. August 2013.
Hongxiang Fu, David Blum, Michael Wetter. Fan and Pump Efficiency in Modelica based on the Euler Number. Proc. of the American Modelica Conference 2022, p. 19-25. Dallas, TX, USA. October 2022.
EnergyPlus 9.6.0 Engineering Reference