This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.
Name | Description |
ASHRAEHeatLoss | Calculate the heat loss of a solar collector per ASHRAE standard 93 |
ASHRAESolarGain | Calculate the solar heat gain of a solar collector per ASHRAE Standard 93 |
EN12975HeatLoss | Calculate the heat loss of a solar collector per EN12975 |
EN12975SolarGain | Model calculating solar gains per the EN12975 standard |
IAM | Function for incident angle modifier |
PartialHeatLoss | Partial heat loss model on which ASHRAEHeatLoss and EN12975HeatLoss are based |
PartialParameters | Partial model for parameters |
PartialSolarCollector | Partial model for solar collectors |
Examples | Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |