Ratings data taken from the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation website. SRCC# = 2012018A.
The ratings provided for dp_nominal
were suspicious
so 100 Pa is used instead.
record T_AMKCollectraAGOWR20 = AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.Data.GenericASHRAE93(final A = 3.457, final CTyp = AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.Types.HeatCapacity.DryMass, final C = 0, final mDry = 73, final V = 3.5/1000, final dp_nominal = 100, final mperA_flow_nominal = 0.0201, final incAngDat = Modelica.Units.Conversions.from_deg({0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}), final incAngModDat = {1.0, 1.0088, 1.0367, 1.0884, 1.1743, 1.3164, 1.567, 2.0816, 3.6052, 0.0}, final y_intercept = 0.446, final slope = -1.432);