

This is a model of a ideally working two-phase separator. The separator separates a vapor mixture into its liquid and vapour parts until the tank is either empty or full.


Several assumptions are made and presented below:

Moreover, the thermodynamic model is generally based on the tank model presented by Quoilin et al. (2014) in their ThermoCycle library.

Calculation of specific enthalpies

The specific enthalpies at the tank's inlet and outlet depend on the relative tank level. The calculation procedures are presented below:

Calculation procedure of specific enthalpy at inlet

Calculation procedure of specific enthalpy at outlet


If the two-phase separator is connected with respect to design direction, it will behave like a liquid receiver. If the two-phase separator is connected aggainst design direction or flow reversal occurs, it will behave like a mist eliminator.


Quoilin, Sylvain; Desideri, Adriano; Wronski, Jorrit; Bell, Ian and Lemort, Vincent (2014): ThermoCycle: A Modelica library for the simulation of thermodynamic systems. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference; March 10-15; 2014; Lund; Sweden. Linköping University Electronic Press, S. 683–692.


 MediumMedium in the component
 TankPropertiesRecord that contains properties of the tank
 TankPropertiesDetailedRecord that contains detailed properties of the tank
 HeatLossesRecord that contains properties of calculated heat losses


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