Instead of connecting n radiator models in parallel , the MultiRadiator model consists of one single radiator model and a pseudoradiator model.
The radiator model receives the n-th part of the total flow of heat medium, which interacts with its environment via the therm (ConvectiveHeat) and star (RadiativeHeat) connectors and flows out of the radiator at a different temperature and specific enthalpy.
The pseudoradiator emulates the behaivour of the reamaining (identical) n-1 radiators. It receives the remaining flow of heat medium, injects (or absorbs) (n-1)-times the heat flow of the radiator into the environment and injects back heat medium back into to the circuit with the same temperature and specific enthalpy than at the output of the actual radiator model.
This method reduces the number of state variables and therefore the simulation time.