The heating port may remain unconnected, in which case the device is being simulated at a constant temperature of Tnom.
Parameters: Level: JFET modeling level (default value = 1) Level=1: Shichman-Hodges (Si) JFET model Level=2: Improved Shichman-Hodges (Si) JFET model [1] Level=3: Statz-Curtice (GaAs) MESFET model [2,3] Area: Relative area occupied by the diode (default value = 1) Levels 1-3 Basic Electrical Parameters: VT0: Threshold voltage at reference temperature (default value = 0 Volt) Levels 1-3 VT0 < 0 for enhancement JFET VT0 > 0 for depletion JFET LAMBDA: Channel length modulation (default value = 0 1/Volt) Levels 1-3 BETA: Transconductance parameter at reference temperature (default value = 0 Amp/Volt2) Levels 1-3 N: Current emission coefficient (default value = 1) Levels 1-3 IS: Transport saturation current (default value = 1e-14 Amp) Levels 1-3 PB: Built-in potential at reference temperature (default value = 0.8 Volt) Levels 1-3 Parasitic Resistor Parameters: RS: Source resistance (default value = 0 Ohm) Levels 1-3 RD: Drain resistance (default value = 0 Ohm) Levels 1-3 RG: Gate resistance (default value = 0 Ohm) Levels 1-3 Junction Capacitance Parameters: CGS: Zero-bias gate-source depletion capacitance at reference temperature (default value = 0.5e-12 F) Levels 1-3 CGD: Zero-bias gate-drain depletion capacitance at reference temperature (default value = 0.5e-12 F) Levels 1-3 M: Junction grading coefficient Levels 1-3 default value = 0.33 for Levels=1,2 (Si) default value = 0.5 for Level=3 (GaAs) FC: Forward-bias depletion capacitance coefficient (default value = 0.5) Levels 1,2 Transit Time Parameters: TT: Ideal transit time (default value = 5e-9 sec) Levels 1,2 Temperature Compensation Parameters: Tnom: Reference temperature (default value = 300.15 K) Levels 1-3 XTI: Saturation current temperature exponent Levels 1-3 default value = 3 for Levels=1,2 (Si) default value = 2 for Level=3 (GaAs) BEX: Mobility temperature exponent (default value = 0) Levels 1-3 EG: Energy gap for temperature effect on saturation current at 0 K Levels 1-3 default value = 1.11 Volt for Levels=1,2 (Si) default value = 0.73 Volt for Level=3 (GaAs) TCV: Linear temperature coefficient of threshold voltage (default value = 0 Volt/K) Levels 1-3 TRS: Linear temperature coefficient of source resistance (default value = 0 1/K) Levels 1-3 TRD: Linear temperature coefficient of drain resistance (default value = 0 1/K) Levels 1-3 TRG: Linear temperature coefficient of gate resistance (default value = 0 1/K) Levels 1-3 Level=2 Electrical Parameters: LAM1: Channel length modulation gate voltage parameter (default value = 0 1/Volt) Level 2 Level=3 Electrical Parameters: ALPHA: Hyperbolic tangient fitting parameter (default value = 1) Level 3 B: Measure of doping profile (default value = 0 1/Volt) Level 3 DELTA: Voltage range for transition (default value = 0.2 Volt) Level 3 VMAX: Limit voltage for carrier velocity saturation (default value = 0.5 Volt) Level 3 Numerical Parameters: EMin: if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized (default value = -100) Levels 1-3 EMax: if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized (default value = 40) Levels 1-3 GminDC: Leakage conductance (default value = 1e-15 Mho) Levels 1-3 Compiler Parameters: enforceStates: State selector (default value = true) Levels 1-3 enforceStates = true: Use (external) capacitive voltages as state variables enforceStates = false: Use (internal) bond graph efforts as state variables