


This is a template for two phase medium of a mixture of substances and is used by REFPROPMedium.

It has been created by merging PartialMixtureMedium and PartialTwoPhaseMedium from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.

Created by
Henning Francke
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam



 SaturationPropertiesMSL 3.2.1
 ThermodynamicStateThermodynamic state of two phase medium
 BasePropertiesBase properties (p, d, T, h, s, u, R, MM, sat) of two phase medium
 setDewStateReturn the thermodynamic state on the dew line
 setBubbleStateReturn the thermodynamic state on the bubble line
 setState_dTXReturn thermodynamic state as function of d, T and composition X or Xi
 setState_phXReturn thermodynamic state as function of p, h and composition X or Xi
 setState_psXReturn thermodynamic state as function of p, s and composition X or Xi
 setState_pTXReturn thermodynamic state as function of p, T and composition X or Xi
 setSat_TXReturn saturation property record from temperature
 setSat_pXReturn saturation property record from pressure
 bubbleEnthalpyReturn bubble point specific enthalpy
 dewEnthalpyReturn dew point specific enthalpy
 bubbleEntropyReturn bubble point specific entropy
 dewEntropyReturn dew point specific entropy
 bubbleDensityReturn bubble point density
 dewDensityReturn dew point density
 saturationPressureReturn saturation pressure
 saturationTemperatureReturn saturation temperature
 saturationPressure_satReturn saturation temperature
 saturationTemperature_satReturn saturation temperature
 saturationTemperature_derpReturn derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure
 saturationTemperature_derp_satReturn derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure
 surfaceTensionReturn surface tension sigma in the two phase region
 dBubbleDensity_dPressureReturn bubble point density derivative
 dDewDensity_dPressureReturn dew point density derivative
 dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressureReturn bubble point specific enthalpy derivative
 dDewEnthalpy_dPressureReturn dew point specific enthalpy derivative
 specificEnthalpy_pTXReturn specific enthalpy from pressure, temperature and mass fraction
 temperature_phXReturn temperature from p, h, and X or Xi
 density_phXReturn density from p, h, and X or Xi
 temperature_psXReturn temperature from p, s, and X or Xi
 density_psXReturn density from p, s, and X or Xi
 specificEnthalpy_psXReturn specific enthalpy from p, s, and X or Xi
 setState_pTReturn thermodynamic state from p and T
 setState_phReturn thermodynamic state from p and h
 setState_psReturn thermodynamic state from p and s
 setState_dTReturn thermodynamic state from d and T
 setState_pxReturn thermodynamic state from pressure and vapour quality
 setState_TxReturn thermodynamic state from temperature and vapour quality
 vapourQualityReturn vapour quality
 density_phReturn density from p and h
 temperature_phReturn temperature from p and h
 pressure_dTReturn pressure from d and T
 specificEnthalpy_dTReturn specific enthalpy from d and T
 specificEnthalpy_psReturn specific enthalpy from p and s
 temperature_psReturn temperature from p and s
 density_psReturn density from p and s
 specificEnthalpy_pTReturn specific enthalpy from p and T
 density_pTReturn density from p and T
 specificEnthalpy_dTXReturn specific enthalpy from d, T, and X or Xi
 dynamicViscosity_liqViscosity of liquid phase
 dynamicViscosity_gasViscosity of liquid phase
 temperaturereturns density from state - seems useless, but good for compatibility between PartialMedium and PartialMixedMediumTwoPhase
 pressure_dTXReturn pressure from d, T, and X or Xi

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