This model validates the TimeTable block. It takes as a parameter a time table of the format
table = [ 0*3600, 0; 6*3600, 1; 18*3600, 0.5; 24*3600, 0];
The block timTabLin
applies smoothness method of linear segments
between table points, periodically repeat the table scope.
The block timTabLinHol
applies smoothness method of linear segments
between table points, hold the last table points when it becomes outside of
table scope.
The block timTabLinDer
applies smoothness method of linear segments
between table points, extrapolate by using the derivative at the last table
points to find points outside the table scope.
The block timTabCon
applies smoothness method of constant segments
between table points, periodically repeat the table scope.
The block timTabLinCon
applies smoothness method of linear segments
between table points, periodically repeat the table scope. Table points is
different so to ensure constant zero during time range of
(0*3600, 6*36000)
table = [ 0*3600, 0; 6*3600, 0; 6*3600, 1; 18*3600, 0.5; 24*3600, 0];