This model is composed of a heat pump based energy transfer station model Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.HeatPumpHeatExchanger connected to a simplified building model where the space heating, cooling and hot water loads are provided as time series.
The parameter bui.facMul
is the multiplier factor
applied to the building loads that are provided as time series.
It is used to represent multiple identical buildings served by
a unique energy transfer station.
The parameter facMul
is the multiplier factor
applied to the whole system composed of the building(s) and the
energy transfer station.
It is used to represent multiple identical ETSs served by
the DHC system.
So, if for instance the overall heating and cooling efficiency is
equal to 1, then the load on the district loop
is the load provided as time series multiplied by facMul * bui.facMul.
Note that the parameters QCoo_flow_nominal
, QHea_flow_nominal
and QHot_flow_nominal
are the ETS design values. They include
the building loads multiplier factor bui.facMul
but not
the building and ETS multiplier factor facMul
and bui.facMulCoo
to be default.