

This medium package models water vapor (pure steam, region 2, quality=1).

Thermodynamic properties are calculated primarily in terms of pressure and temperature. For thermodynamic property functions, the IAPWS-IF97 formulations are adapted, and approximate relationships are provided for commonly used functions to improve computational efficiency and provide backward compatability.

Detailed functions from Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_R2pT are generally used, except for Buildings.Media.Steam.specificEnthalpy and Buildings.Media.Steam.specificEntropy (both "forward" functions), as well as their "backward" inverse functions Buildings.Media.Steam.temperature_ph and Buildings.Media.Steam.temperature_ps, which are numerically consistent with the forward functions. The following modifications were made relative to the Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_R2pT medium package:

  1. Analytic expressions for the derivatives are provided for all thermodynamic property functions.
  2. The implementation is generally simpler in order to increase the likelihood of more efficient simulations.



This model is intended for first generation district heating systems and other steam heating processes involving low and medium pressure steam.


W. Wagner et al., “The IAPWS industrial formulation 1997 for the thermodynamic properties of water and steam,” J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, vol. 122, no. 1, pp. 150–180, 2000.

Kathryn Hinkelman, Saranya Anbarasu, Michael Wetter, Antoine Gautier, Wangda Zuo. 2022. “A Fast and Accurate Modeling Approach for Water and Steam Thermodynamics with Practical Applications in District Heating System Simulation,” Energy, 254(A), pp. 124227. 10.1016/j.energy.2022.124227

Kathryn Hinkelman, Saranya Anbarasu, Michael Wetter, Antoine Gautier, Baptiste Ravache, Wangda Zuo 2022. “Towards Open-Source Modelica Models For Steam-Based District Heating Systems.” Proc. of the 1st International Workshop On Open Source Modelling And Simulation Of Energy Systems (OSMSES 2022), Aachen, German, April 4-5, 2022. 10.1109/OSMSES54027.2022.9769121


 ThermodynamicStateThermodynamic state variables
 BasePropertiesBase properties (p, d, T, h, u, R, MM) of water
 densityReturns density
 dynamicViscosityReturn dynamic viscosity
 molarMassReturn the molar mass of the medium
 pressureReturn pressure
 saturationPressureReturn saturation pressure of condensing fluid
 saturationTemperatureReturn saturation temperature
 specificEnthalpyReturns specific enthalpy
 specificEntropyReturn specific entropy
 specificInternalEnergyReturn specific internal energy
 specificHeatCapacityCpSpecific heat capacity at constant pressure
 specificHeatCapacityCvSpecific heat capacity at constant volume
 specificGibbsEnergySpecific Gibbs energy
 specificHelmholtzEnergySpecific Helmholtz energy
 setState_dTXReturn the thermodynamic state as function of d and T
 setState_pTXReturn the thermodynamic state as function of p and T
 setState_phXReturn the thermodynamic state as function of p and h
 setState_psXReturn the thermodynamic state as function of p and s
 temperatureReturn temperature
 thermalConductivityReturn thermal conductivity
 density_derh_pDensity derivative by specific enthalpy
 density_derp_hDensity derivative by pressure
 isentropicExponentReturn isentropic exponent
 isothermalCompressibilityIsothermal compressibility of water
 isobaricExpansionCoefficientIsobaric expansion coefficient of water
 isentropicEnthalpyIsentropic enthalpy


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