

This function generates a random binary variable with two inputs x1 and x2 from a 2-dimension logistic relation.

The probability of being 1 is calculated from the inputs x1 and x2 from a 2D logistic relation with three predefined parameters A (mutiplier for x1), B (mutiplier for x2) and C (intercept). Then a random generator generates the output, which should be a binary variable.


function logit2D
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real x1 "The first input variable";
  input Real x2 "The second input variable";
  input Real A = 1.0 "Parameter defining the 2D logistic relation: mutiplier for the first input";
  input Real B = 1.0 "Parameter defining the 2D logistic relation: mutiplier for the second input";
  input Real C = 1.0 "Parameter defining the 2D logistic relation: intercept";
  input Integer globalSeed "Seed for the random number generator";
  output Boolean y "Binary variable";
end logit2D;


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