The plant equipment is staged in part based on required capacity, Qrequired, relative to nominal capacity of a given stage, Qstage. This ratio is the operative part load ratio, OPLR.
OPLR = Qrequired / Qstage
If both primary and secondary hot water temperatures and flow rates are available, the sensors in the primary loop are used for calculating Qrequired. If a heat recovery chiller is piped into the secondary return, the sensors in the primary loop are used. (These conditions are implemented in Buildings.Templates.Plants.Controls.HeatPumps.AirToWater.)
The required capacity is calculated based on return temperature, active supply temperature setpoint and measured flow through the associated circuit flow meter.
The required capacity used in logic is a rolling average over a period
of dtMea
of instantaneous values sampled at minimum once every 30 s.
When a stage up or stage down transition is initiated,
Qrequired is held fixed at its last value until the longer of
the successful completion of the stage change
and the duration dtRun
The nominal capacity of a given stage, Qstage, is calculated as the sum of the design capacities of all units enabled in a given stage.
Staging is executed per the conditions below subject to the following requirements.
(This condition is implemented in
A stage up command is triggered if any of the following is true:
A stage down command is triggered if the following is true:
A staging matrix staEqu
is required as a parameter.
See the documentation of
for the associated definition and requirements.
An "if" condition is used to generate the stage up and down command as opposed
to a "when" condition. This means that the command remains true as long as the
condition is verified. This is necessary, for example, if no higher stage is
available when a stage up command is triggered. Using a "when" condition –
which is only valid at the point in time at which the condition becomes true –
would prevent the plant from staging when a higher stage becomes available again.
To avoid multiple consecutive stage changes, the block that receives the stage up
and down command and computes the stage index must enforce a minimum stage runtime
of dtRun