This model is used to connect the fluid port with the block that communicates with the CFD program.
This model also implements the pressure balance of the medium, as the
FFD implementation uses a constant pressure that is independent of the
pressure of the Modelica model.
If the parameter massDynamics == Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.SteadyState
then there is a steady-state mass balance and the pressure of the room
is an algebraic variable.
Otherwise, the time derivative of the pressure is
dp⁄dt = p_start ∑ ṁi ⁄ mstart,
where p_start is the initial pressure, ∑ ṁi is the sum of the mass flow rates over all ports, and mstart is the initial mass of the room.
Name | Description |
Medium in the component |
. This parameter
is used in .Media
as equations are obtained from
This implementation does not use Medium.BaseProperties
and hence this parameter is not needed.
from 2 to 0
as the FFD code uses atmospheric pressure and hence does not use the pressure
of the fluid connector.