This tutorial gives step by step instructions for building and simulating a natural convection model. The model tests the coupled simulation of Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.CFD with the FFD program by simulating the natural convection in an empty room with only surface boundary conditions.
The Rayleigh number is a dimensionless number associated with natural convection, defined as
Ra = g β (Tw-Te)L3 ⁄ (ν α)
To get a Rayleigh number of 1E5, the flow properties are manually set as acceleration due to gravity gz=-0.01 m/s2, thermal expansion coefficient β=3e-3 K-1, kinematic viscosity ν=1.5e-5 m2/s, thermal diffusivity α=2e-5 m2/s, and characteristic length L=1 m.
Figure (a) shows the schematic of the FFD simulation. The following conditions are applied in Modelica.:
Figure (a)
Figure (b) shows the velocity vectors and temperature contour in degree Celsius on the X-Z plane at Y = 0.5 m as simulated by the FFD.
Figure (b)
More details of the case description can be found in Zuo et al. (2012).
This section describes step by step how to build and simulate the model.
Add the following component models to the NaturalConvection
, qConGai_flow
and qLatGai_flow
, respectively.
and TwesWal
, respectively.
In the textual editor mode, add the medium and the number of surfaces as shown below:
Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.CFD roo( package MediumA = Buildings.Media.GasesConstantDensity.MoistAirUnsaturated( T_default=283.15); parameter Integer nConExtWin=0; parameter Integer nConBou=0; parameter Integer nSurBou=6; parameter Integer nConExt=0; parameter Integer nConPar=0;
Edit roo
as below:
edeclare package Medium = MediumA, surBou( name={"East Wall","West Wall","North Wall","South Wall","Ceiling","Floor"}, each A=1*1, til={Buildings.Types.Tilt.Wall, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Wall, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Wall, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Wall, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Ceiling, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Floor}, each absIR=1e-5, each absSol=1e-5, boundaryCondition={ Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Types.CFDBoundaryConditions.Temperature, Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Types.CFDBoundaryConditions.Temperature, Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Types.CFDBoundaryConditions.HeatFlowRate, Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Types.CFDBoundaryConditions.HeatFlowRate, Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Types.CFDBoundaryConditions.HeatFlowRate, Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Types.CFDBoundaryConditions.HeatFlowRate}), AFlo = 1*1, hRoo = 1, linearizeRadiation = false, useCFD = true, sensorName = {"Occupied zone air temperature", "Velocity"}, cfdFilNam = "modelica://Buildings/Resources/Data/ThermalZones/Detailed/Examples/FFD/Tutorial/NaturalConvection.ffd", nConExt = nConExt, nConExtWin = nConExtWin, nConPar = nConPar, nConBou = nConBou, nSurBou = nSurBou, T_start=273.15, samplePeriod = 60);
Connect the component as shown in the figure below.
, qConGai_flow
and qLatGai_flow
to 0.
to 273.15 Kelvin.
to 274.15 Kelvin.
(mesh file) and zeroone.dat
(obstacles file).
and NaturalConvection.dat
, respectively.
(an example file is provided in Buildings/Resources/Data/ThermalZones/Detailed/Examples/FFD/Tutorial/
inpu.parameter_file_format SCI inpu.parameter_file_name inpu.block_file_name NaturalConvection.dat 1.5e-5 // Kinematic viscosity prob.rho 1 // Density prob.gravx 0 // Gravity in x direction prob.gravy 0 // Gravity in y direction prob.gravz -0.01 // Gravity in z direction prob.cond 0.02 // Conductivity prob.Cp 1000.0 // Specific heat capacity prob.beta 3e-3 // Thermal expansion coefficient prob.diff 0.00001 // Diffusivity for contaminants prob.alpha 2e-5 // Thermal diffusivity prob.coeff_h 0.0004 // Convective heat transfer coefficient near the wall prob.Temp_Buoyancy 0.0 // Reference temperature for calculating buoyance force init.T 0.0 // Initial condition for Temperature init.u 0.0 // Initial condition for velocity u init.v 0.0 // Initial condition for velocity v init.w 0.0 // Initial condition for velocity w
Please note that some of the physical properties were manipulated to obtain the desired Rayleigh Number of 105.
, NaturalConvection.dat
, and
at Buildings/Resources/Data/ThermalZones/Detailed/Examples/FFD/Tutorial
seconds and choose for example the CVode solver.
that will generate the temperature contour and velocity vectors shown in the Figure (b).
Note: Tecplot is needed for this.
Name | Description |
Medium model |
as this is now obtained from the weather data reader.
Wangda Zuo, Mingang Jin, Qingyan Chen, 2012.
Reduction of numerical viscosity in FFD model.
Journal of Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 6(2), p. 234-247.