This is a model of a roof which is minimally compliant with ASHRAE 90.1-2010. It is used in the bed X3 and test cell XRA.
Note: This model is currently a work in progress. For more information see the documentation available at Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.UsersGuide.
record ASHRAE_901_2010Roof = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.OpaqueConstructions.Generic(final material = {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.GypsumBoard(x = 0.016), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.InsulationBoard(x = 0.1016), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Plywood(x = 0.0127)}, final nLay = 3);