This is a model for test cell 3B in the LBNL User Facility. This model is intended to represent the main space in test cell 3B. This documentation describes the wall constructions used to model test cell X3B. Documentation describing how it is to be combined to other room models to create a model of the full test cell can be found in Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.FLEXLAB.Rooms.X3B.
There are 6 different wall sections described in the model. They are shown in the figure below.
The different wall sections are entered into the model according to the following table.
Wall Section Number | Description | Location in Model | Corresponding Layer |
1 | East exterior wall | datConExt[4] | EWal |
2 | South exterior wall with windows | datConExtWin[1] | R16p8Wal |
3 | West wall separating X3B and X3A | datConBou[1] | celDiv |
4 | North partition wall separating X3B and the closet | Wall: datConBou[2] Door: datConBou[3] |
Wall: parCon Door: parDoo |
5 | North wall separating X3B and the electrical room | datConBou[4] | R52Wal |
6 | North exterior wall and door | Door: datConExt[1] Wall: datConExt[2] |
Door: extDoo Wall: R16p8Wal |
A seventh construction, not shown in the figure, models the ceiling. It is modeled in datConExt[3] using
the layer R20Wal
The test cell can be configured with several different floor types. The options include radiant conditioning, a slab on grade floor with no conditioning, or a raised floor. Because of this uncertainty in floor design, a model of the floor itself is not included in this model. The user must include a model for the floor in any applications of this model.
Several of the connections in this model are intended to be connected to specific surfaces in other room models. The following table describes the connections to models outside of the X3A package. The connections in datConExt are not described in the table because they are connected to the external environment, and no additional heat port connections are necessary.
Location in TestCell | Description of External Connection | Location in External Model |
surf_conBou[1] | Temperature of test cell X3A | X3A.TestCellNoCelDiv.surf_surBou[2] |