The following critical error has been fixed (i.e. error that can lead to wrong simulation results):
Buildings.Fluid.Storage. | |
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.StratifiedEnhanced |
The model Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClasses.Stratifier
had a sign error that lead to a wrong energy balance.
The model that was affected by this error is
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.StratifiedEnhanced .
The model
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Stratified was not affected.The bug has been fixed by using the newly introduced model Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClasses.ThirdOrderStratifier . This model
uses a third-order upwind scheme to reduce the numerical dissipation instead of the
correction term that was used in Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClasses.Stratifier .
The model Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClasses.Stratifier has been removed since it
also led to significant overshoot in temperatures when the stratification was pronounced.