
Version 11.0.0


Version 11.0.0 is a major release that adds various new packages and models.

The library has been tested with Dymola 2024x, OpenModelica 1.22.1-1, OPTIMICA 1.48.2 and recent versions of Impact.

The following major changes have been done compared to release 10.1.0:

The following new libraries have been added:

Buildings.Templates.Plants Package with template models for central plants with air-to-water reversible heat pumps, including the plant closed loop control.
Buildings.Examples.Tutorial.SimpleHouse Tutorial for how to build a simple system model.
Buildings.DHC.Loads.HotWater Package of models for domestic hot water generation and loads served by district networks. This is for issue 3063.

The following new components have been added to existing libraries:

Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.BaseClasses.PartialHeatPumpHeatExchanger Created partial base class to support two versions of the energy transfer station. One that heats domestic hot water with a heat pump, and one that heats domestic hot water with a heat pump plus storage tank and heat exchanger. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.HeatPumpHeatExchangerDHWTank Version of Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.HeatPumpHeatExchanger that heats domestic hot water with a heat pump plus storage tank and heat exchanger. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.BaseClasses.PartialHeatPump Partial base class to support two versions of heat pump subsystem. One which directly heats water through condenser, and one which uses the heat pump to heat water in a storage tank, which can be circulated to heat water through a heat exchanger. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.HeatPumpDHWTank Uses a heat pump to heat water in a storage tank, which can be circulated to heat domestic hot water through a heat exchanger, modeled with Buildings.DHC.Loads.HotWater.StorageTankWithExternalHeatExchanger. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.Loads.Combined.BuildingTimeSeriesWithETSWithDHWTank Similar to Buildings.DHC.Loads.Combined.BuildingTimeSeriesWithETS, but uses Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.HeatPumpHeatExchangerDHWTank as the ETS. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.Loads.Combined.Examples.BuildingTimeSeriesWithETSDHWTank Example model for use of Buildings.DHC.Loads.Combined.BuildingTimeSeriesWithETSWithDHWTank. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.Fluid.FixedResistances.BuriedPipes.PipeGroundCoupling Ground coupling model Buildings.Fluid.FixedResistances.BuriedPipes.PipeGroundCoupling. This is for issue 3431.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution1Pipe_R Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution1Pipe_R. One pipe distribution network that uses autosize pipes for supply and lossless for connection. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution1PipePlugFlow_v Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution1PipePlugFlow_v. One pipe distribution network that uses plugflow pipes for supply and lossless for connection. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution2Pipe_R Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution2Pipe_R. Two pipes network that uses autosize pipes for supply and return, and lossless for connection. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Connection1Pipe_R Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Connection1Pipe_R. One pipe connection model using autosize pipes for supply and lossless for connection. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Connection1PipePlugFlow_v Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Connection1PipePlugFlow_v. One pipe connection model using plugflow pipes for supply and lossless for connection. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Connection2Pipe_R Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Connection2Pipe_R. Two pipes connection model using autosize pipes for supply and return, lossless for connection. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Examples.Connection1PipeExample Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Examples.Connection1PipeExample. Example model for one pipe connections. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Examples.Connection2PipeExample Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Examples.Connection2PipeExample. Example model for two pipes connections. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Controls.AgentPump1Pipe Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Controls.AgentPump1Pipe. Agent controller (i.e. borefield, waste heat plant) for one pipe networks. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Controls.Examples.AgentPump1PipeExample Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Controls.Examples.AgentPump1PipeExample. Example model for AgentPump1Pipe. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Controls.Examples.MainPump1PipeExample Added Buildings.DHC.Networks.Controls.Examples.MainPump1PipeExample. Example model for MainPump1PipeExample. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.SeriesVariableFlowAgentControl Added Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.SeriesVariableFlowAgentControl. This example model showcases a more sophisticated way of controlling district agent pumps. This is for issue 3431.
Created a block with an example model for Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.interpolate.
This is for IBPSA, #1844.

The following existing components have been improved in a backward compatible way:

Buildings.Controls.OBC.ASHRAE.G36.AHUs.MultiZone.VAV.Controller Added 2-position relief damper position output y1RelDam.
This is for issue 3526.
All classes Expanded interface class names to full class names for all classes within Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.
This is for #3746.
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Discrete.Examples Changed the package name from Examples to Validation.
This is for issue 3517.
Changed implementation to allow moving fluid connector. This accomodates implementation of models that should have connectors on the top and bottom (such as a tank) and moving of connectors for models that need larger icons.
This is for IBPSA, #1781.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Heating.Direct Documentation corrected for heating. This is for issue 3628.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Heating.Indirect Documentation corrected for heating. This is for issue 3628.
Buildings.Templates.Components.Fans.ArrayVariable Refactored with flow rate multiplier.
This is for #3536.
Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.Building Introduced parameter setInitialRadiativeHeatGainToZero and refactored radiative heat exchange between Modelica and EnergyPlus. This was done to avoid iterative solutions between Modelica and EnergyPlus for some coupled simulations that exchange radiative heat transfer, such as from a hydronic radiator. For details, see info section in Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.Building.
This is for Buildings, #3707.
Added insulation to EnergyPlus input data file and resized the system.
This is for #3707.
Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.ThermalZone Changed radiative heat flow rate sent to EnergyPlus to be the average over the last synchronization time step rather than the instantaneuous value, and set it by default to zero during the initialization. This avoids a nonlinear system of equation during the time integration for models in which the radiative heat gain is a function of the room radiative temperature, such as when a radiator is connected to the room model.
This is for Buildings, #3707.
Changed implementation to allow ground temperature to be taken from an input rather than using a constant value.
This is for IBPSA, #1744.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.BaseClasses.Pump_m_flow Updated pump model to use to Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Preconfigured.FlowControlled_m_flow . This change allows to have a better estimation of pump default curve using euler number. This is for issue 3431.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.BaseClasses.PartialHeatPumpHeatExchanger Reduced swiFlo.dpValve_nominal to numerically zero to avoid reverse flow. This is for issue 3431.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.BaseClasses.PartialHeatPump Converted heat pump model to dynamic by changing heaPum.energyDynamics to Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial and added junction on recirculation loop. This is for issue 3431.
Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.SeriesConstantFlow Added connections that were removed in Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.BaseClasses.PartialSeries . This is for issue 3431.
Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.SeriesVariableFlow Added connections that were removed in Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.BaseClasses.PartialSeries . This is for issue 3431.

The following existing components have been improved in a non-backward compatible way:

Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Reals.Sources.ModelTime Renamed the block to CivilTime.
This is for issue 3596.
Buildings.Controls.OBC.CDL.Logical.TrueHoldWithReset Renamed the block to TrueHold.
This is for issue 3689.
Moved the block to the Obsolete package.
This is for issue 3595.
Buildings.Controls.OBC.ASHRAE.G36.TerminalUnits Added coil type enumeration and removed the coil type flags.
This is for issue 3526.
Buildings.Controls.OBC.ASHRAE.G36.AHUs.MultiZone.VAV.Controller Removed the connectors uCooCoi_actual and uHeaCoi_actual, added coil type enumeration and removed the coil type flags.
This is for issue 3526.
Buildings.Experimental.DHC The package was renamed to Buildings.DHC, and the package DHC.EnergyTransferStations was renamed to DHC.ETS.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.BaseClasses.PartialDirect Change input TSetDisRet to TDisRetSet.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.BaseClasses.PartialIndirect Change input TSetBuiSup to TBuiSupSet.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.HeatPumpHeatExchanger Extend from new partial base class Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.BaseClasses.PartialHeatPumpHeatExchanger. Evaporator water flow through space heating and domestic how water heat pumps is constant, with dT across district supply and return controlled by three-way mixing valve. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.HeatPump Extend from new partial base class Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.BaseClasses.PartialHeatPump. Evaporator water flow through heat pump is constant, with dT across district supply and return controlled by three-way mixing valve. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.Validation.HeatPump Validation test for Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.HeatPump. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.Validation.HeatPumpDHWTank Validation test for Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.Subsystems.HeatPumpDHWTank. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.Loads.Combined.BuildingTimeSeriesWithETS Updated to use new version of Buildings.DHC.ETS.Combined.HeatPumpHeatExchanger as the ETS. This is for issue 3063.
Buildings.DHC.Plants.Combined.Subsystems.BaseClasses.MultipleCommands The class has been moved to Buildings.Templates.Components.Controls.MultipleCommands.
This is for #3536.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.DHC.Plants.Reservoir.Borefield Moved to Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.BaseClasses.Borefield .
This is for #3628.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Changed assignment of computeFlowResistance to final based on dp_nominal.
This is for Buildings, #3597.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.Obsolete.Utilities.IO.Python36 Removed package.
This is for #3506.
Refactored with a record class for configuration parameters.
This is for #3500.
The models in these packages have been retired and replaced with two container classes within Buildings.Templates.Components.Actuators that cover all equipment types, and allow the flow characteristic to be specified with one parameter.
This is for #3539.
Buildings.Fluid.Geothermal.BuriedPipes Moved to Buildings.Fluid.FixedResistances.BuriedPipes .
This is for #3431.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connection2Pipe Removed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connection2Pipe. This is for #3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connection2PipePlugFlow Moved and renamed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connection2PipePlugFlow to Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connections.Connection2PipePlugFlow_v . Also updated available paremeters for sizing and heatport configuration. This is for issue 3694.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution2Pipe Removed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution2Pipe. This is for #3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connection2PipePlugFlow Renamed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution2PipePlugFlow to Buildings.DHC.Networks.Distribution2PipePlugFlow_v . Also updated available paremeters for sizing and heatport configuration. This is for issue 3694.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Connection2PipePlugFlow Renamed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Controls.MainPump to Buildings.DHC.Networks.Controls.MainPump1Pipe . Also updated available paremeters and documentation. This is for issue 3694.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.UnidirectionalParallel Removed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.UnidirectionalParallel. This is for #3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.UnidirectionalSeries Removed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.UnidirectionalSeries. This is for #3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.ConnectionParallelAutosize Removed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.ConnectionParallelAutosize. This is for #3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.ConnectionParallelStandard Removed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.ConnectionParallelStandard. This is for #3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.ConnectionSeriesAutosize Removed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.ConnectionSeriesAutosize. This is for #3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.ConnectionSeriesStandard Removed Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.ConnectionSeriesStandard. This is for #3694.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.PipeAutosize Moved Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.PipeAutosize to Buildings.DHC.Networks.Pipes.PipeAutosize. This is for issue 3694.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.PipeStandard Moved Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.PipeStandard to Buildings.DHC.Networks.Pipes.PipeStandard. This is for issue 3694.
This change is supported in the conversion script.
Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.Validation.Pipe Moved Buildings.DHC.Networks.Combined.BaseClasses.Validation.Pipe to Buildings.DHC.Networks.Pipes.Validation.Pipe. This is for issue 3694.
Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.BaseClasses.PartialSeries Removed several connections to implement to Buildings.DHC.Examples.Combined.SeriesVariableFlowAgentControl. This is for issue 3431.
Moved these classes to Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions from Buildings.Airflow.Multizone.BaseClasses.
This is for IBPSA, #1844.
This change is supported in the conversion script.

The following critical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that can lead to wrong simulation results):

Added support for additional configurations.
This is for #3526 and #3520.

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