
Version 1.2 build 1


In version 1.2 build 1, models for radiant slabs and window overhangs and sidefins have been added. This version also contains various improvements to existing models. A detailed list of changes is shown below.

The following new libraries have been added:

Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.RadiantSlabs Package with models for radiant slabs with pipes or a capillary heat exchanger embedded in the construction.
Buildings.Fluid.Data.Pipes Package with records for pipes.

The following new components have been added to existing libraries:

For windows with either an overhang or side fins, these blocks output the fraction of the area that is sun exposed.
Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.Examples.BESTEST Added BESTEST validation models for case 610, 620, 630, 640, 650FF, 650, 920, 940, 950FF, 950, and 960.

The following existing components have been improved in a backward compatible way:

Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 Removed assignment of HGloHor_in in its declaration, because this gives an overdetermined system if the input connector is used.
Added new sub-bus that contains the solar position. This allows reusing the solar position in various other models.
Added optional output of diffuse radiation from the sky and ground. This allows reusing the diffuse radiation in solar thermal collector.
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.SolarAzimuth Changed implementation to avoid an event at solar noon.
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.BoreholeFillings Renamed class to BoreholeFillings to be consistent with data records being plural.
Added redeclaration of ThermodynamicState to avoid a warning during model check and translation.
Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir Added a check that ensures that the number of surfaces are equal to the length of the parameter that contains the surface area, and added a check to ensure that no surface area is equal to zero. These checks help detecting erroneous declarations of the room model. The changes were done in Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir.PartialSurfaceInterface.

The following existing components have been improved in a non-backward compatible way:

Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir Added optional modeling of window overhangs and side fins. The modeling of window overhangs and side fins required the introduction of the new parameters hWin for the window height and wWin for the window width, in addition to the parameters ove and sidFin which are used to declare the geometry of overhangs and side fins. The parameters hWin and wWin replace the previously used parameter AWin for the window area. Users need to manually replace AWin with hWin and wWin when updating models from a previous version of the library.
See the information section in Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir for how to use these models.

The following critical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that can lead to wrong simulation results):

Buildings.Controls.SetPoints.OccupancySchedule Fixed a bug that caused an error in the schedule if the simulation start time was negative or equal to the first entry in the schedule.
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClass.ThirdOrderStratifier Revised the implementation to reduce the temperature overshoot.
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.BaseClasses.GlassLayer Fixed the bug in the temperature linearization and in the heat flow through the glass layer if the transmissivity of glass in the infrared regime is non-zero.
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.BaseClasses.CenterOfGlass Fixed a bug in the parameter assignment of the instance glass. Previously, the infrared emissivity of surface a was assigned to the surface b.
Buildings.Utilities.IO.BCVTB Added a call to Buildings.Utilities.IO.BCVTB.BaseClasses.exchangeReals in the initial algorithm section. This is needed to propagate the initial condition to the server. It also leads to one more data exchange, which is correct and avoids the warning message in Ptolemy that says that the simulation reached its stop time one time step prior to the final time.

The following uncritical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that do not lead to wrong simulation results, e.g., units are wrong or errors in documentation):

Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 Corrected the documentation of the unit requirement for input files, parameters and connectors.
Replaced the erroneous function call Medium.density with Medium1.density and Medium2.density in PartialFourPortInterface. Changed condition to remove sta_a1 and sta_a2 in PartialFourPortInterface, and sta_a in PartialTwoPortInterface, to also compute the state at the inlet port if show_V_flow=true.
The previous implementation resulted in a translation error if show_V_flow=true, but worked correctly otherwise because the erroneous function call is removed if show_V_flow=false.
Buildings.Fluid.Chillers.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialElectric Corrected the nominal mass flow rate used in the mass flow source.

The following issues have been fixed:

Heat transfer in glass layer
#56 Fixed bug in heat flow through the glass layer if the infrared transmissivity is non-zero.
#57 Fixed bug in temperature linearization of window glass.
Overshooting in enhanced stratified tank
#15 Revised the implementation to reduce the temperature over-shoot.

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