
Version 1.4 build 1


Version 1.4 build 1 contains the new package Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27 that allows calling Python functions from Modelica. It also contains in the package Buildings.HeatTransfer.Conduction.SingleLayer a new model for heat conduction in phase change material. This model can be used as a layer of the room heat transfer model.

Non-backward compatible changes had to be introduced in the valve models Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves to fully comply with the Modelica language specification, and in the models in the package Buildings.Utilities.Diagnostics as they used the cardinality function which is deprecated in the Modelica Language Specification.

See below for details.

The following new libraries have been added:

Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27 Package that contains blocks and functions that embed Python 2.7 in Modelica. Data can be sent to Python functions and received from Python functions. This allows for example data analysis in Python as part of a Modelica model, or data exchange as part of a hardware-in-the-loop simulation in which Python is used to communicate with hardware.

The following new components have been added to existing libraries:

Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAbsolutePath This function is used by the weather data reader to set the path to the weather file relative to the root directory of the Buildings library.

The following existing components have been improved in a backward compatible way:

Buildings.Fluid.MixingVolumes.BaseClasses.PartialMixingVolume Removed the check of multiple connections to the same element of a fluid port, as this check required the use of the deprecated cardinality function.
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Conduction.SingleLayer Added option to model layers with phase change material.
Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.BaseClasses.InfraredRadiationExchange Removed the use of the cardinality function as this function is deprecated in the Modelica Language Specification.

The following existing components have been improved in a non-backward compatible way:

Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves All valves now require the declaration of dp_nominal if the parameter assignment is CvData = Buildings.Fluid.Types.CvTypes.OpPoint. This change was needed because in the previous version, dp_nominal had a default value of 6000 Pascals. However, if CvData >< Buildings.Fluid.Types.CvTypes.OpPoint, then dp_nominal is computed in the initial algorithm section and hence providing a default value is not allowed according to the Modelica Language Specification. Hence, it had to be removed.
As part of this change, we set dp(nominal=6000) for all valves, because the earlier formulation uses a value that is not known during compilation, and hence leads to an error in Dymola 2014.
Removed the use of the deprecated cardinality function. Therefore, now all input signals must be connected.
Removed the option to not connect input signals, as this required the use of the cardinality function which is deprecated in the MSL, and not correctly implemented in OpenModelica. Therefore, if using these models, both input signals must be connected.
Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.splineDerivatives Removed the default value input Boolean ensureMonotonicity=isMonotonic(y, strict=false) as the Modelica language specification is not clear whether defaults can be computed or must be constants.

The following critical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that can lead to wrong simulation results):

Buildings.Controls.SetPoints.HotWaterTemperatureReset Corrected error that led to wrong results if the room air temperature is different from its nominal value TRoo_nominal. This fixes issue 74.
Fixed bug in the assignment of the fictitious thermal resistance by replacing RFic[nSeg](each G=A/Rx) with RFic[nSeg](each G=A/nSeg/Rx). This fixes issue 79.
Replaced when test with if test as equations within a when section are only evaluated when the condition becomes true. This fixes issue 72.

The following uncritical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that do not lead to wrong simulation results, e.g., units are wrong or errors in documentation):

The documenation was Fraction Kv(port_1 → port_2)/Kv(port_3 → port_2) instead of Fraction Kv(port_3 → port_2)/Kv(port_1 → port_2). Because the parameter set correctly its attributes min=0 and max=1, instances of these models used the correct value.
Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.BaseClasses.ValveParameters Removed stray backslash in write statement.
Removed wrong unit attribute of COut.
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.BaseClasses.HexElement Changed the redeclaration of vol2 to be replaceable, as vol2 is replaced in some models.

The following issues have been fixed:

Add explanation of nStaRef.
#70 Described in Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids how the parameter nStaRef is used to compute the spatial grid that is used for simulating transient heat conduction.
Assert statement does not fire.
#72 The blocks Buildings.Utilities.Diagnostics.AssertEquality and Buildings.Utilities.Diagnostics.AssertInequality did not fire because the test on the time was in a when instead of an if statement. This was wrong because when sections are only evaluated when the condition becomes true.
HotWaterTemperatureReset computes wrong results if room temperature differs from nominal value.
#74 The equation
TSup = TRoo_in_internal
          + ((TSup_nominal+TRet_nominal)/2-TRoo_in_internal) * qRel^(1/m)
          + (TSup_nominal-TRet_nominal)/2 * qRel;
should be formulated as
TSup = TRoo_in_internal
          + ((TSup_nominal+TRet_nominal)/2-TRoo_nominal) * qRel^(1/m)
          + (TSup_nominal-TRet_nominal)/2 * qRel;
Bug in RadiantSlabs.SingleCircuitSlab fictitious resistance RFic.
#79 This bug has been fixed in the assignment of the fictitious thermal resistance by replacing RFic[nSeg](each G=A/Rx) with RFic[nSeg](each G=A/nSeg/Rx). The bug also affected RadiantSlabs.ParallelCircuitSlab.


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