
Version 3.0.0


Version 3.0.0 is a major new release.

The following major changes have been done:

The following new libraries have been added:

Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps Library with heat pump models. This library contains models for idealized heat pumps whose COP changes proportional to the change in COP of a Carnot cycle. Optionally, a part load efficiency curve can be specified. The model Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.Carnot_TCon takes as a control input the leaving condenser fluid temperature, and the model Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps.Carnot_y takes as a control signal the compressor speed.

The following new components have been added to existing libraries:

Buildings.BoundaryConditions.SolarGeometry.ProjectedShadowLength Block that computes the length of a shadow projected onto a horizontal plane into the direction that is perpendicular to the azimuth of a surface.
Adapters for unbalanced three phase systems which are required because the previous formulation used connect statements that violate the Modelica Language Definition. This change was required to enable pedantic model check and translation in Dymola 2016 FD01. This is for #426.
Buildings.Fluid.Chillers.Carnot_TEva Chiller model whose efficiency changes with temperatures similarly to a change in Carnot efficiency. The control input signal is the evaporator leaving fluid temperature. This is for IBPSA, #353.
Sensors that measure trace substances in parts per million.
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.BeamDepthInRoom Block that computes the maximum distance at which a solar beam that enters the window hits the workplane.
Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothInterpolation Function that interpolates for vectors xSup[], ySup[] and independent variable x. The interpolation is done using a cubic Hermite spline with linear extrapolation.

The following existing components have been improved in a backward compatible way:

Changed the default value for valve leakage parameter l from 0 to 0.0001. This is the same value as is used for the two-way valves, and avoids an assertion that would be triggered if l=0.
Buildings.Fluid.Geothermal.Boreholes.UTube Updated code for 64 bit on Linux and Windows. This closes issue 485.
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DryEffectivenessNTU Reformulated model to allow translation in OpenModelica. This is for issue #490.
Buildings.Fluid.Chillers.Carnot Changed the sign convention for dTEva_nominal. Now, this quantity needs to be negative. This change was done to be consistent with other models. In this version, a warning will be written if the sign is not updated, but the results will be the same. In future versions the warning will be changed to an error.
The parameters dTEva_nominal and dTCon_nominal are now used to assign default values for the nominal mass flow rates.
Added the parameter use_C_flow. If set to true, an input connector will be enabled that can be used to add a trace substance flow rate, such as CO2, to the volume.
Added the parameter inputType which allows to set the input as an continuous input signal, to set the input as an Integer input signal that selects the stage of the mover, or to remove the input connector and use a parameter to assign the control signal.
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.StratifiedEnhancedInternalHex Added option to set dynamics of heat exchanger material separately from the dynamics of the fluid inside the heat exchanger. This is for issue #434.
Propagated parameter allowFlowReversal which can cause a simpler energy balance to be used.
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPortTransport Implemented more efficient computation of port_a.Xi_outflow and port_a.C_outflow when allowFlowReversal=false. This is for IBPSA issue 305.
Refactored for a more efficient implementation. Removed double declaration of smooth(..) and smoothOrder and changed Inline=true to LateInline=true. This is for IBPSA issue 301 and for IBPSA issue 279.
Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.BaseClasses.CFDExchange Set start and fixed attributes in u[nWri](start=_uStart, each fixed=true) to avoid a warning in Dymola 2016 about unspecified initial conditions. This closes issue 422.
Set start and fixed attributes in firstTrigger(start=false, fixed=true), retVal(start=0, fixed=true) and modTimRea(fixed=false) to avoid such a warning in the pedantic Modelica check in Dymola 2016. This closes issue 459.
Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.CFD Updated code for 64 bit on Linux and Windows. This closes issue 485.
Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions Refactored Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.inverseXRegularized to make it more efficient as it is used in many steady-state energy balances. This closes IBPSA issue 302.

The following existing components have been improved in a non-backward compatible way:

Renamed the connector from radHorIR to HHorIR This is for IBPSA issue 376. For Dymola, the conversion script updates these connections. However, this also results in a renaming of the weather bus variable weaBus.radHorIR to HHorIR, which may require a manual update.
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticTwoPortConservationEquation Removed the constant sensibleOnly and introduced instead the parameter use_mWat_flow. The new parameter, if set to true, will enable an input connector that can be used to add water to the conservation equation. For Dymola, the conversion script updates the model for these changes.
Buildings.Fluid.Chillers.Carnot Renamed the model to Buildings.Fluid.Chillers.Carnot_y due to the addition of the new model Buildings.Fluid.Chillers.Carnot_TEva. In addition, the following parameter names were changed: use_eta_Carnot was changed to use_eta_Carnot_nominal, and etaCar was changed to etaCarnot_nominal. This is for IBPSA issue 353. For Dymola, the conversion script removes these parameters.
Removed the parameters use_powerCharacteristics and motorCooledByFluid as these are already declared in the performance data record per. This is for issue #457. For Dymola, the conversion script removes these parameters.
Removed the public variable r_N. This is for IBPSA issue 417. For Dymola, the conversion script removes assignments of r_N(start).
Write a warning if no pressure curve is provided because the efficiency calculation can only be done correctly if a pressure curve is provided. The warning can be suppressed by providing a pressure curve, or by setting nominalValuesDefineDefaultPressureCurve=true.
Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data Replaced the parameters Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data.FlowControlled, Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data.SpeedControlled_y, and Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data.SpeedControlled_Nrpm by the parameter Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data.Generic which is used for all four types of movers. This is for IBPSA issue 417. This change allows to correctly compute the fan or pump power also for the models Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_dp, Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowControlled_m_flow for speeds that are different from the nominal speed, provided that the user specifies the pressure curve. For Dymola, the conversion script updates this parameter.

In the previous record Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data.SpeedControlled_Nrpm, changed the parameter N_nominal to speed_rpm_nominal. This is for IBPSA issue 396. For Dymola, the conversion script updates this parameter.
Removed parameter dynamicBalance that overwrote the setting of energyDynamics and massDynamics. This is for IBPSA, issue 411. For Dymola, the conversion script updates the models.
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort Renamed the protected parameters port_a_exposesState, port_b_exposesState and showDesignFlowDirection. This is for IBPSA issue 349 and IBPSA issue 351. For Dymola, the conversion script updates models that extend from Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort.
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.FourPort Renamed model to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialFourPort and removed the parameters h_outflow_a1_start, h_outflow_b1_start, h_outflow_a2_start and h_outflow_b2_start to make the model similar to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort. See IBPSA issue 299 for a discussion. For Dymola, the conversion script updates models that extend from Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.FourPort.
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticTwoPortConservationEquation Revised implementation of conservation equations and added default values for outlet quantities at port_a if allowFlowReversal=false. This is for IBPSA issue 281. Also, revised implementation so that equations are always consistent and do not lead to division by zero, also when connecting a prescribedHeatFlowRate to MixingVolume instances. Renamed use_safeDivision to prescribedHeatFlowRate. See IBPSA issue 282 for a discussion. For users who simply instantiate existing component models, this change is backward compatible. However, developers who implement component models that extend from Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticTwoPortConservationEquation may need to update the parameter use_safeDivision and use instead prescribedHeatFlowRate. See the model documentation.
These models can now be used with electrochromic windows. This required to change the glass properties tauSol, rhoSol_a and rhoSol_b to be arrays. For example, to convert an existing model, use tauSol={0.6} instead of tauSol=0.6. For Dymola, the conversion script will automatically update existing models.
Removed these packages which have models from release 2.0.0.

The following critical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that can lead to wrong simulation results):

Buildings.Fluid.Chillers.Carnot Corrected wrong computation of state of leaving fluid staB1 and staB2 for the configuration without flow reversal. The previous implementation mistakenly used the inStream operator. This is for issue 476

The following uncritical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that do not lead to wrong simulation results, e.g., units are wrong or errors in documentation):

Buildings.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialWindTurbine Reformulated test for equality of Real variables. This closes issue 493.
Reformulated test for equality of Real variables. This closes issue 493.
Buildings.Fluid.FMI.FlowSplitter_u Corrected wrong assert statement. This closes issue 442.
Buildings.Fluid.Chillers.Carnot Corrected wrong assert statement for test on the efficiency function. This closes issue 468.
Buildings.Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity Removed dublicate entry of smooth and smoothOrder. This is for IBPSA issue 303.
Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.BaseClasses.MixedAirHeatGain Reformulated test for equality of Real variables. This closes issue 493.
Corrected wrong derivative implementation and improved their regression tests. This is for IBPSA issue 303.
Buildings.Utilities.Psychrometrics.Density_pTX Corrected wrong default component name.
Buildings.Utilities.Psychrometrics.Functions.saturationPressure Changed smoothOrder from 5 to 1 as Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.spliceFunction is only once continuously differentiable. Inlined the function.
Buildings.Utilities.IO.Python27.exchange Updated Python implementation to allow compiling code on 64 bit Linux. Previously, on Linux a segmentation fault occurred during run-time if 64 bit code rather than 32 bit code was generated. This is now corrected.
Also, Windows 64 bit binaries have been added.
This closes issue 287.

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