

This function applies k-means clustering to n-dimentional data and returns the centroid of the clusters, the cluster labels for each sample, and the size of each cluster.

The returned length of the cluster_size vector is max(n_clusters, n_cluster_size).


The seed for random number generation is constant. It can be changed by modifying the constant seed.


impure function KMeans
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real data[n_samples, n_features] "Data to be clustered";
  input Integer n_clusters "Number of clusters to be generated";
  input Integer n_samples "Number of samples";
  input Integer n_features "Number of features";
  input Real relTol = 1e-5 "Relative tolerance on cluster positions";
  input Integer max_iter = 500 "Maximum number of k-means iterations";
  input Integer n_init = 10 "Number of runs with randomized centroid seeds";
  input Integer n_cluster_size = 0 "Length of the cluster_size output vector";
  output Real centroids[n_clusters, n_features] "Centroids of the clusters";
  output Integer labels[n_samples] "Cluster label associated with each data point";
  output Integer cluster_size[max(n_clusters, n_cluster_size)] "Size of the clusters";
end KMeans;


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