function exchangeReals
input Integer socketFD(min = 1) "Socket file descripter";
input Integer flaWri "Communication flag to write to the socket stream";
input Modelica.Units.SI.Time simTimWri "Current simulation time in seconds to write";
input Real[nDblWri] dblValWri "Double values to write";
input Integer nDblWri "Number of double values to write";
input Integer nDblRea "Number of double values to read";
output Integer flaRea "Communication flag read from the socket stream";
output Modelica.Units.SI.Time simTimRea "Current simulation time in seconds read from socket";
output Real[nDblRea] dblValRea "Double values read from socket";
output Integer retVal "The exit value, which is negative if an error occurred";
end exchangeReals;