This function is a wrapper for
It adds the directory modelica://Buildings/Resources/Python-Sources
to the environment variable PYTHONPATH
prior to calling the function that exchanges data with Python.
After the function call, the PYTHONPATH
is set back to what
it used to be when entering this function.
for instructions, and
for examples.
impure function exchange extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String moduleName "Name of the python module that contains the function"; input String functionName = moduleName "Name of the python function"; input BaseClasses.PythonObject pytObj "Memory that holds the Python object"; input Boolean passPythonObject "Set to true if the Python function returns and receives an object, see User's Guide"; input Real dblWri[max(1, nDblWri)] "Double values to write"; input Integer intWri[max(1, nIntWri)] "Integer values to write"; input String strWri[max(1, nStrWri)] "String values to write"; input Integer nDblWri(min = 0) "Number of double values to write"; input Integer nDblRea(min = 0) "Number of double values to read"; input Integer nIntWri(min = 0) "Number of integer values to write"; input Integer nIntRea(min = 0) "Number of integer values to read"; input Integer nStrWri(min = 0) "Number of strings to write"; output Real dblRea[max(1, nDblRea)] "Double values returned by Python"; output Integer intRea[max(1, nIntRea)] "Integer values returned by Python"; end exchange;
correctly independent of working directory.