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Table- or Lookup-Functions usually map some variable (usually normalized as a dimensionless input) onto a real number by either providing a parametric funcion or a table of values which is then used for interpolation. Typically lookup functions are nonlinear functions and introduce nonlinearity to dynamic models [3, Ch. 14].
The parametric lookup functions presented in this package are to a great part inspired by an article written by Khalid Saeed and Arit Irmaridiris [4]. They either directly use the proposed functional form from that article or were slightly modified by the author of the Business Simulation Library using Wolfram Mathematica.
Copyright © 2020 Guido Wolf Reichert
Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later
Name | Description |
Concave Lookup with positive slope; fixpoints are (0,y0) and (1,1) | |
Concave Lookup with negative slope; fixpoints are (0,y0) and (1,0) | |
Convex Lookup with positive slope; usually with fixpoint (0,y0) and fixpoint (1,1) | |
Convex Lookup with negative slope usually defined for the range [0,∞) passing through the fixpoint (1,1) | |
Janoschek's (S-shaped) growth curve with positive slope | |
Janoschek's (S-shaped) growth curve with negative slope | |
Indicator function using fuzzy membership functions | |
Symmettric S-shaped curve with positive slope around origin (0,0) | |
Symmettric S-shaped curve with negative slope around origin (0,0) | |
Table function defined by external data on file using Modelica's CombiTable format | |
Table function for vector input and output using Modelica's CombiTable format |