Name | Description |
Continouus interpolation for x | |
Time derivative of continouus interpolation for x | |
Numerical square root function | |
Derivative of square root function with linear interpolation near 0 | |
Generate grid discretization from scale functions | |
Modulus of a number | |
Calculate the factorial | |
Horizontal area of a cylinder vertically intersecting a horizontal cylinder of large diameter | |
Horizontal area of a cylinder vertically intersecting a horizontal cylinder of large diameter discretised output | |
Calculate the fraction of state change in two-phase region to total state change | |
Ensure a smooth transition from y(x<0) to y(x>0) with linear behaviour around x=0 | |
Returns signed maximum of the absolute input values | |
Returns signed minimum of the absolute input values | |
Finds pressure values in discretised volumes | |
Linear inter-/extrapolation of function values (x_i | f_i) between (x_1 | f_1) and (x_n | f_n) | |
A simple function to find feasible start values for combustion product gases | |
= size(vector, 1) | |
Recalculate the composition when one species has changed mass fraction |