Name | Description |
Check and test valves | |
valve fundamental models based on the iCom concept | |
Valve for VLE fluid flows with replaceable flow models | |
Valve for gas flows with replaceable flow models | |
Same as ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Valves.GenericValveVLE_L1 but with dynamic opening display and opening output | |
Same as ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Valves.GenericValveGas_L1 but with dynamic opening display and opening output | |
Valve for mixed fuel and flue gas flow with replaceable flow models | |
Three way valve for vle media | no reverse flow | no pressure dependeny | | |
Three way valve for flue gas with controllable mass fraction | |
A voluminous three way valve for VLE media | |
Three way valve for vle media, not suitable for back flows! | |
Three way valve for gaseous media, not suitable for back flows! |