This example shows a purely electric circuit containing a VariableResistor component (R3).
The resistance of R3 is determined depending on time function of component Ramp.
It starts at a very small value (0.01 Ohm) and reaches 5 Ohm after 10 s.
Using this example, we would like to give an idea how one can decide if the system
is in a quasi-stationary mode or not.
The main (and only) time constant of the system reads T = L*(R2+R3)/(R2*R3).
It is well-known for first-order components that, after a step-like change of an
input signal, the output signal reaches 95 % of �ts final value after a time period
of 3*T.
This time period is called decayTime.
Checking the difference between decayTime and the time interval of the
simulation experiment yields the information if the system is in a quasi-stationary
Because of variable resistor R3, it is necessary to calculate decayTime
during the simulation experiment according to decayTime = 3*L*(R2+R3)/(R2*R3).
The Boolean quasiStationaryOk tests if decayTime is smaller than
the simulation interval tInterval (which is necessary for quasi-stationary
Hence in the first part of the simulation (Time < 2.4 s), the system is
not in a quasi-stationary mode and the appropriate points in time of the
result curves represent only a series of steady states without any correlation with time.
In the second part of the simulation (Time > 2.4 s), the system is
quasi-stationary and the result curves reflect a correct relationship with time.
Simulate until 10 s.
Plot in seperate windows