The VariableIdealTransformer is a two port with variable turns ratio n and phase shift angle φ=phase. The left port voltage phasor v1, the left port current phasor i1, the right port voltage phasor v2, and the right port current phasor i2 are connected by the following relations:
v1 = n*v2*e^(jφ), i2 = n*i1*e^(j(π+φ)),
where n is the ratio between primary and secondary winding and φ stands for
the phase shift angle phase.
Both n and phase are specified by input signals.
To ensure that the phasor domain-based model works in a quasi-stationary
mode, the ratio of primary and secondary windings n may alter
only very slowly in comparison with both the nominal frequency
f=ω/(2π) and the dominant time constant of the
phasor domain-based model.