
Parallel DEVS and Process-Oriented Modeling in Modelica

This library contains four packages that can be used to model discrete-event systems:

The DEVSLib, SIMANLib and ARENALib libraries include interfaces to communicate with the rest of Modelica libraries, allowing to construct hybrid models.

Victorino Sanz
Dpto. Inform?tica y Autom?tica, UNED
Juan del Rosal, 16
28040, Madrid
Email: vsanz@dia.uned.es
Website: www.euclides.dia.uned.es/vsanz
Library website: www.euclides.dia.uned.es/DESLib


Licensed by Victorino Sanz under the Modelica License 2
Copyright 2009, Victorino Sanz.

This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your ouwn risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license 2, see the license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) here or at http://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2


 ModelicaLicense2Modelica License 2
 RandomLibLibrary for generating random numbers and random variates
 DEVSLibParallel DEVS formalism implementation in Modelica
 SIMANLibProcess-oriented approach to model discrete-event systems (low-level components)
 ARENALibProcess-oriented approach to model discrete-event systems (high-level components)

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