function Automaton import Dynawo.Electrical.Controls.Generic.GenericAutomatonConstants; extends Icons.Function; input String command "Command to be called"; input Types.Time timeActivation "Automaton activation time"; input Real inputs[GenericAutomatonConstants.inputsMaxSize] "Inputs data for the automaton"; input String inputsName[GenericAutomatonConstants.inputsMaxSize] "Inputs data name for the automaton"; input Integer nbInputs "Number of inputs to provide to the automaton"; input Integer nbMaxInputs "Maximum number of inputs"; input String outputsName[GenericAutomatonConstants.outputsMaxSize] "Discrete real outputs data name for the automaton"; input Integer nbOutputs "Number of discrete real outputs to provide to the automaton"; input Integer nbMaxOuputs "Maximum number of discrete real outputs"; input String intOutputsName[GenericAutomatonConstants.outputsMaxSize] "Integer outputs data name for the automaton"; input Integer nbIntOutputs "Number of integer outputs to provide to the automaton"; input Integer nbMaxIntOuputs "Maximum number of intger outputs"; output Real outputs[GenericAutomatonConstants.outputsMaxSize] "Discrete real outputs data provided by the automaton"; output Integer intOutputs[GenericAutomatonConstants.outputsMaxSize] "Integer outputs data provided by the automaton"; end Automaton;