Name | Description |
BaseDriveTrain | |
CurrentLimitsCalculationPV | This block calculates the current limits of the WECC PV regulation |
CurrentLimitsCalculationWind | This block calculates the current limits of the WECC regulation for the Wind Turbine |
ElectricalControlCommon | WECC Electrical Control REEC common |
IqInjectionLogic | Reactive Current Injection Logic |
LineDropCompensation | This block calculates the voltage drop in an RcPu, XcPu line knowing the current and the voltage on one side |
UdqRef | Calculation of setpoints udSourceRefPu and uqSourceRefPu with source impedance RSourcePu+jXSourcePu based on current setpoints idRefPu and iqRefPu and measured injector voltage udInjPu and uqInjPu |
VoltageCheck | This block generates a signal to freeze the control when the voltage is too low or too high |
VSourceRef | |