Name | Description |
IEEE14NoEvent | IEEE 14-bus system benchmark formed with 14 buses, 5 generators (2 generators and 3 synchronous condensers), 1 shunt, 3 transformers , 17 lines and 11 loads. |
IEEE14DisconnectLine | IEEE 14-bus system benchmark formed with 14 buses, 5 generators (2 generators and 3 synchronous condensers), 1 shunt, 3 transformers , 17 lines and 11 loads. Disconnection of a line is represented at time 100s of the simulation. |
IEEE14CLA | IEEE 14-bus system benchmark formed with 14 buses, 5 generators (2 generators and 3 synchronous condensers), 1 shunt, 3 transformers , 17 lines and 11 loads. At t=50s, the consumption of load 5 increases. Three Current Limit Automatons are supervising current on lines B1-B5, B1-B2 and B2-B5. |