Name | Description |
Partial_Ground | Partial model for heat losses to the ground, with fixed TGro |
Partial_Bound | Partial model for heat losses to a boundary with prescribed temperature |
Partial_BoundCap | Partial model for heat losses to a boundary with prescribed temperature and with a state |
Partial_SZ | Single zone partial model, no air node |
Partial_SZ_Zon | Single state, only zone temperature, array of windows |
Partial_SZ_ZonEmb | States for zone and embedded heating |
Partial_SZ_ZonWal | States for zone and wall |
Partial_SZ_ZonInt | States for zone and internal mass |
Partial_SZ_ZonWalInt | States for zone, wall and internal mass |
Partial_SZ_ZonWalInt_fraResInt | States for zone, wall and internal mass, splitted resInt |
Partial_SZ_ZonWalEmb | States for zone, walls and embedded heating |
Partial_SZ_ZonWalIntEmb | States for zone, walls, internal mass and embedded heating |
Partial_SZ_ZonEmbInt | States for zone, wall and internal mass |
TwoPort | Partial for resistances and walls |