using the GSL QAG routine and a comparison with the known result: erf(b). Several values of b from 0.01 to 1 are explored and the integral is reevaluated for each one. The ratio of I(b)/erf(b) is also calculated and is always consistent with 1.
IMPORTANT!!!: The integrand-setup model 'CreateIntegrand' (or a duplicate) must be run before using GSL integration routines within a larger Modelica model (like this one). (Alternatively, one could edit integrand.c directly and then compile "by hand" in a command window:
gcc -fPIC -c integrand.c integration_mi.c
gcc -shared integration.o integration_mi.o -o [.dll for windows])
For the relevant meanings of the 'rel_err', 'limit', 'key', etc., see the 'qag' function and: