Name | Description |
Bessel_1stKind | |
Bessel_2ndKind | |
Bessel_Jzeros | Zeros of Bessel functions |
Bessel_Yzeros | Zeros of Bessel functions |
SphBessel_jzeros | Zeros of Spherical Bessel functions |
ErfComparison | Comparison of erf(x) from GSL and Modelica |
FermiDiracIntegrals_Complete | Complete Fermi-Dirac Integrals |
ElectronDegPres | Electron Degeneracy Pressure |
LargeAmplitudePendulum | Pendulum with pi/2 Amplitude and Period from Elliptic Integral |
ExpTranscendEqs | Solution of Exponential-Transendental Equation |
DE_Usage | Example Usage of DE Blocks |
CoaxialDirichlet | Coaxial Dirichlet Boundary-Value Problem |