

gammaGamma function
poch_axPochhammer symbol (a)_x
beta_BabBeta function, B(a,b)
digammaDigamma function, psi(x)
polygammaPolygamma function, psi_n(x)
incgammaIncomplete Gamma function, G(a,x)
erfError function
erfcComplementary Error function
bessel_J0Bessel function of the 1st kind (regular cylindrical) of order 0
bessel_JnBessel function of the 1st kind (regular cylindrical) of order n
bessel_YnBessel function of the 2nd kind (irregular cylindrical) of order n
bessel_InModified bessel function of the 1st kind (regular modified cylindrical) of order n
bessel_KnModified bessel function of the 2nd kind (irregular modified cylindrical) of order n
bessel_JnuBessel function of the 1st kind of order nu
bessel_KnuIrregular modified Bessel function of order nu
bessel_zeroJnuZeros of Bessel function of the 1st kind of order nu
sph_bessel_jlSpherical Bessel function of the 1st kind (regular) of order l
sph_bessel_ylSpherical Bessel function of the 1st kind (irregular) of order l
legendre_PlLegendre polynomial of order l
sph_harm_YlmNormalized Spherical Harmonic of order l,m
hydrogen_RnlNormalized Hydrogen wavefunction of order n,l
fermidirac_FhalfComplete Fermi-Dirac integral of order 1/2
fermidirac_F3halfComplete Fermi-Dirac integral of order 3/2
fermidirac_FnComplete Fermi-Dirac integral of order n
hermite_HnHermite polynomial of order n
hermite_func_psi_nHermite function of order n
airy_AiAiry Ai function
airy_BiAiry Bi function
airy_zeroAiZeros of Airy function of the 1st kind
airy_zeroBiZeros of Airy function of the 2nd kind
debye_D1Debye function of order 1
debye_D3Debye function of order 3
dilog_Li2Dilogarithm, Li_2(x)
elliptint_KComplete Elliptic Integral K(k)
elliptint_EComplete Elliptic Integral E(k)
expint_EnExponential Integral E_n(x)
expint_EiExponential Integral Ei(x)
gegenpoly_CnGenenbauer polynomial, C_n^(a)(x)
laguerre_LnLaguerre functions, L_n^a(x)
lambert_W0Lambert W_0 function
lambert_Wm1Lambert W_-1 function
zetaRiemann zeta function function, zeta(s)

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